As I have been following the U.S. elections process and have watched with great interest and emotion the news and comments about the results in my apartment at Riverside, I have felt how Americans are now feeling: hope in the future. Certainly for McCain and his supporters, it is a moment of disappointment as they have worked hard to win, but Obama and his supporters have worked harder and smarter from the start to the end of the campaign. Perhaps today's history is simply on Obama's side: problems in Iraq and Afghanistan, worsening health care, loss of hundreds thousands of jobs, and finansial crisis, but without understanding such problems, coupled with disciplines and sound reason, Obama would not win.
I would live to congratulate Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and all the people behind him and all those who support him, but also to McCain and others who did not vote for Obama. They all demonstrate a beautiful model of what democracy should like. And the rest of the world can learn from this historic moment: moment of excitement and commitment for change, moment for addressing challenges in the best way.

Glen Mor, Riverside, 10.30 pm, November 4th, 2008
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