I adore Dr Michael Feener's achievement in Islamic studies. He is now an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore. He has conducted significant research on Islam from a multidiciplinary approach: historical, textual and contemporary. His language skill is amazing; his emphaty and sympathy towards what and whom he studies are without doubt. I will write again about his works in due course, but this time it suffices to say that he is a model of genuine scholarship.
Hale Manoa, October 2006
Setuju! Hey Pak, will you be coming back to California? michaelwnau@gmail.com
Yes, I will be coming to California this Fall.
I was the happy participant in a small informal seminar with Michael Feener today, and wanted to to google him which made your posting come up.
Feener's lecture was brilliant and showed a strong sympathy, as you also have noted, towards the subjects of his studies.
Best regards,
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