Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Ideology Behind Terror in Mumbai, India
The ideological contradictions perceived by the terrorists - mostly in their twenties and thirties, that motivate them to wage their terrors should not be however seen as a clash of Islam and the West, a clash of Islam and Hinduism, clash of Islam and secularism, and clash of Islam and colonialism. The historical and contemporary situations are more complex than these perceptions perpetuated by the terrorists and many fundamentalist media reporters and leaders. Islam has been defined, constructed, implemented, and practiced in so many different ways, within contexts: local, regional, and global. A sound analysis of what really happens should involve both textual dimension of a religion and contextual situations that could change.
Any kind of murder and killing of innocent people is not humanistic, not Islamic (which I adhere to), not at all to bring the actors to the heaven they are wishing for. Islam has and can become tolerant, moderate, peaceful, democratic, and diplomatic through all kinds of educational, cultural, diplomatic, economic, political efforts made by Muslims and non-Muslims in the world. Obviously many of the terrorists use Islam for their own political ideology against their enemies. The terrorists' enemies" are not the enemies of most Muslims.
Labeling the terrorists as "Islamist fundamentalist radical", is not the key effort in the world's struggle against terrorism and its roots. More grass-root efforts are what we need: cross-religious, cross-cultural, cross-national. These efforts are endless and should be even more serious and more global and local at the same time in order to reduce if not to eliminate the political ideology that fuels hatred against the "other". The problem of violence is always complex, but clear and sound judgment about its roots will help a lot.
We, including the U.S. government, should not make another mistake like what is happening in Iraq: Targeting the wrong enemy, Ignoring the roots.
Glen Mor, 8:21 pm, Nov 26, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How Obama is to be Viewed by the Islamic World
• With some exception (some radical Muslims), most people in some 56 Muslim-majority countries apparently favor Obama in the elections because of the perceived and actual failure of the current administration’s foreign policies and international relations.
o Obama’s victory represents change in direction of the U.S. relationship with the world; the rest of the world have been watching the whole process of the elections from the start and people congratulated and many celebrated Obama’s victory. No “anti-Americanism” has existed if it means anti-American people and values. The target of world’s criticisms has been politics and foreign policy. Few radicals are skeptical: the U.S. will not change: they still don’t like political Islam/Islamism. “great global expectations”
• Obama’s victory has demonstrated to the world that it is one’s capability, rather than racial identity, that most matters, and American elections show democracy both in procedure and substance. “the global impact of the desirability and workability U.S. democracy”
• Obama is also seen as a truly global president: African, Asian (Indonesian), American. Facilitating his sensitiveness to cross-cultural problems. His speech in Berlin also attests his global appeal: “the walls between countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian, and Muslim, and Jew cannot stand. There now are the walls we must tear down”..
What can Obama do to repair the damage done by the current administration to the reputation of the U.S. in the Islamic World?
• Prioritize” “Soft power” (public diplomacy, talks, dialogue) over Hard power (military intervention): not “politics of fear”, but “politics of reconciliation and hope”,
o STABILISATION of IRAQ and its unity. Two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (reduce violence, civilian casualties, support the Iraqis in rebuild their lives): troops careful withdrawal-
o Resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis (resume talks, amidst uncertainty of Israeli leadership on Feb 20, two state solutions: a secure and lasting peace): the challenge is the political division among HAMAS, PLO, the rejectionists and the conformists
o Rapprochement with Iran: send a clear message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions, but the challenge: “nuclear for weaponry or peaceful purposes”
o Independence from Middle East oil
o India, China, and Southeast Asia (Indonesia: the largest Muslim majority country in the world, working with moderates)
• “Understanding the roots of violence and terrorism” (sense of injustice, “colonialism”, ideological conflict), the step is “reaching out” not just to opponents at home but also enemies abroad”, remaking alliances with the Muslim moderates everywhere, but making sure that the world have enough information about the U.S. history, culture, and society.
• “Reconciliatory, and communicative leadership”: listening, willing to be criticized, empathetic, acknowledging complexity of every problem, differences between faiths, cultures, political interests, but seeking commonalities in resolving common problems as human, as citizen of the world
• “A new and global partnership”: “partnership with Muslims at home and abroad”, interfaith dialogue and cooperations, dialogue of civilizations, alliances of civilizations, American Peace Corp, American Library/Corners, international exchange (journalists, educators, students, etc), humanitarian works for social justice and peace.
• The responsibility should also be taken by civil society (national and international) and the Islamic world themselves to engage with the West, to learn about American cultures and religions.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Meanings of Obama's Election
UCR Scholars Analyze Election Results
Obama's election is historic and inspiring, panelists say.
(November 4, 2008)
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – The 2008 presidential race was historic in the election of Sen. Barack Obama as the nation’s first African American president and energized minority and first-time voters, UCR scholars agreed in a panel discussion two days after the election. But Obama’s agenda of social and environmental issues likely will be pushed to a back burner by the necessity of addressing the economic crisis, they said. “I’m giddy, tempered with dread,” said John Cioffi, assistant professor of political science. “Given the severity of economic conditions a lot of environmental programs are going to be put on hold. They tend to be expensive and the costs are front-loaded.” The exception could be where environmental policy supports new industry that would put more people to work, he said. Reviving the economy must be Obama’s priority, said Anil Deolalikar, professor of economics and associate dean of CHASS. “Many people are predicting unemployment may reach 8 to 10 percent. To prevent that Obama will have to move quickly,” he said. “To prevent the collapse of the economy what will be needed is a new stimulus. … What will be needed is a program of increased government spending, perhaps new construction projects that governments have already deemed worthy, but there was no money. This might be the opportunity to invest in infrastructure we have ignored for decades … that will improve our economic competitiveness in the long run.” Obama’s election “raises the glass ceiling, but does not eliminate racism,” said Erica Edwards, assistant professor of English. His skill at organizing a grass-roots campaign is a reaffirmation of the individual as a participant in democracy, a powerful demonstration of the ability of people to get together and decide what they want, she said. “It’s a fair start for a more participatory democracy,” she said. Obama’s election represents a new direction in how the United States relates to the rest of the world, a change that is particularly welcomed by Muslim nations, said Muhamad Ali, assistant professor of religious studies. “The positive response from the Muslim world suggests there is no anti-Americanism,” he said. “They have been critical of American foreign policy. They see Obama’s election as a victory of American values. … They see this as a sign of democracy’s workability.” Ali cautioned that Obama needs to understand the roots of violence and terrorism. “It is in colonialism and a sense of injustice,” he said. “In the Muslim world there is also some sense of a clash of civilizations.” Although many pundits have referred to this as an historic election, “it was and it wasn’t,” said Karthick Ramakrishnan, associate professor of political science. Voter turnout – about 62 percent – was higher than in recent decades, but was well below the 80-plus percent of eligible voters who cast ballots in the last half of the 19th century, he said. The youth vote was not greater than in previous elections, “but they were far more likely to vote for Obama,” he said. Georgia Warnke, distinguished professor of philosophy and associate dean of CHASS, said she has been moved by Obama’s eloquence and the traditional American values of equality, opportunity and hope that are constant themes in his speeches. “He really believes them,” she said. “That’s what makes him so inspiring. In an age where we have become cynical and have to be ironic, all of a sudden we have a president-elect who can bring up Abraham Lincoln and the ideas of our founding, who can remind us about Kennedy and FDR. He brings us back to the ethical sense of who we are.”
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The University of California, Riverside is a doctoral research university, a living laboratory for groundbreaking exploration of issues critical to Inland Southern California, the state and communities around the world. Reflecting California's diverse culture, UCR's enrollment of about 17,000 is expected to grow to 21,000 students by 2020. The campus is planning a medical school and has reached the heart of the Coachella Valley by way of the UCR Palm Desert Graduate Center. The campus has an annual statewide economic impact of more than $1 billion. To learn more, visit or call (951) UCR-NEWS.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Congratulations, Obama, Congratulations, America!
I would live to congratulate Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and all the people behind him and all those who support him, but also to McCain and others who did not vote for Obama. They all demonstrate a beautiful model of what democracy should like. And the rest of the world can learn from this historic moment: moment of excitement and commitment for change, moment for addressing challenges in the best way.

Glen Mor, Riverside, 10.30 pm, November 4th, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Agama dan ruang publik di AS dan Indonesia
Pesantren and Pluralism
Promoting Pluralism | ![]() | ![]() |
Pesantren progressives defend constitutional religious freedomsJoanne McMillanIt is a sweaty April afternoon, and the community hall in Cangkol, a fishing community on the outskirts of Cirebon on Java’s north coast, is packed to the gills. People have come to see former first lady, Ibu Sinta Nuriyah Wahid. Ibu Sinta, the wife of former president Abdurrahman Wahid, is touring halls like this around the country ahead of next year’s election, listening to ordinary people talk about the problems they face in their everyday lives. Today, however, there are some technical difficulties in hearing those voices. The sound system is playing up, and while technicians fiddle, the MC, a popular and charismatic young kyai, KH Maman Imanulhaq Fakieh, keeps the crowd entertained. The captive audience presents a perfect opportunity for him to push his favourite issue of the moment: freedom of religion, a hot topic in Indonesia thanks to recent attacks on Ahmadiyah mosques and calls to outlaw the sect. ‘Is Islam a religion of violence?’ he cries, raising his fist in the air. ‘No!’ The crowd, largely comprised of jilbab-wearing housewives, responds with enthusiasm. ‘Does Islam permit violence by anyone?’ ‘No!’ ‘Towards anyone?’ ‘No!’ ‘On any grounds?’ ‘No!’ ‘Do we want the government to uphold the rights guaranteed in the constitution?’ ‘Yes!’ Kyai Maman, 35, is the spiritual leader of Al-Mizan Pesantren in Jatiwangi, West Java. Outside Indonesia, thanks to coverage of terrorism cases, Indonesian pesantren, or Islamic boarding schools, have earned a reputation as extremist havens where young students are indoctrinated in fundamentalist teachings and groomed to become terrorists. While it is true that many pesantren teach conservative, literalist interpretations of Islam, only a tiny number have links with terrorist organisations and in fact the pesantren world is the source of some of the most progressive Muslim voices in Indonesia and indeed the Muslim world. The best known progressive kyai is former president Abdurrahman Wahid, but surrounding Wahid are a number of increasingly vocal and influential progressive pesantren leaders. Kyai Maman is a protégé of a group of kyai and pesantren alumni in West Java that includes KH Syarief Usman Yahya, head of Kempek Pesantren and KH Husein Muhammad of Dar al-Tauhid Arjawinangun Pesantren. The late KH Fuad Hasyim of Buntet Pesantren and KH Yahya Masduki of Babakan Ciwaringin Pesantren were role models for this group. They preach values of pluralism and encourage their students, or santri, to reread religious texts contextually. The vision of Islam that they promulgate is grounded in the Qur’an, Sunna and classical Islamic texts and advocates justice for all human beings. Rallying pointEarlier this year, the Ahmadiyah issue became a rallying point for progressive Muslim leaders. While fundamentalist groups such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI), along with many moderates, called for Ahmadiyah to be outlawed, progressive kyai, including Kyai Maman, were organising community events with Ahmadiyah in order to emphasise a message of tolerance and pluralism. When police and local government failed to protect Ahmadiyah from increasing incidents of vandalism and violence, progressive kyai offered NU paramilitaries, known as Banser, to protect Ahmadiyah mosques and homes. For those like Kyai Maman who defended Ahmadiyah, the issue was never really about Ahmadiyah, but about upholding the rights of citizens, guaranteed in the constitution, to practice their respective religion and beliefs. The issue also had the potential to set a precedent for the religious beliefs of the majority to become the basis of laws that discriminate against other groups. This potential looked set to be realised when in April, a government-appointed body of prosecutors, religious scholars and government officials recommended that the government outlaw the sect, declaring that its members ‘had deviated from Islamic principles’.
Whether Ahmadiyah members have deviated from Islam is not the point, argues Kyai Maman: ‘I have never defended Ahmadiyah’s teachings,’ he says. ‘What we are defending is their rights as citizens, as set out in the constitution. I would defend FPI if they were being oppressed and terrorised. This issue is not about Ahmadiyah but about people whose rights as human beings, as citizens, have been denied.’ For their defence of Ahmadiyah’s rights, progressives have themselves become targets of violence by extremist groups. The most high profile incident occurred at the National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta on 1 June this year, the anniversary of Sukarno’s famous 1945 speech where he formulated Indonesia’s state ideology, known as pancasila. With the government’s decision regarding the fate of Ahmadiyah due to be handed down any day, dozens of demonstrators, among them Kyai Maman, held a peaceful rally in support of religious freedom. ‘We came to Monas for two reasons,’ Kyai Maman explains. ‘One was to celebrate pancasila, our national philosophy, which is all about living in a plural society. The second was to urge the government to uphold the constitution.’ ‘We were just about to get started,’ Kyai Maman recalls, ‘when suddenly a group of people wearing white robes and carrying FPI banners arrived, shouting “Allahu akbar!” (God is great).’.The FPI supporters attacked the demonstrators with sharpened bamboo stakes and stones. Nineteen people were injured, some seriously. Kyai Maman was among the most badly hurt. He recalls being beaten on the head with bamboo stakes until he fell to the ground where he was repeatedly kicked and stamped on by at least ten people. He was hospitalised with concussion and head wounds. The incident shocked many in the Indonesian public. The attack on Kyai Maman in particular was significant in swaying public opinion because FPI had, deliberately or unwittingly, dared to attack a kyai, the moral equivalent in Muslim Indonesia to attacking a priest or a nun. In the days after the incident, calls to disband Ahmadiyah were replaced in the headlines by calls to disband FPI. Fifty-seven members of FPI, including leader Rizieq Shihab, were arrested following the incident, and the group is now seriously weakened. The government’s eventual decision on the Ahmadiyah case was neither an outright victory for anti-Ahmadiyah campaigners nor a win for pluralism. The joint ministerial resolution, released on 9 June, did not ‘ban’ Ahmadiyah per se but demanded that they stop practising their beliefs and strongly encouraged them to ‘return to mainstream Islam’. Kyai Maman sees the decision as an excessive and ambiguous form of intervention by the government, designed to get them out of a difficult political situation. ‘The government’s job is to guarantee freedom of religion,’ he argues, ‘not to meddle in matters of belief.’ From puritan to progressiveKyai Maman has not always defended the values of pluralism. There was a time when he supported, rather than opposed, violence in the name of religion. Kyai Maman grew up in a puritanical pesantren where he mixed in narrow circles and studied only traditional religious texts. His understanding of the world, he explains, was black and white, and anyone different from himself was a sinner. Just seeing a church or a Christian cross, he confesses, would make his blood boil. He was involved in militant groups that participated in ‘cleansing’ gambling and prostitution dens in the Majalengka area. In 1998, he stood by while members of his congregation destroyed churches, shops and houses belonging to Chinese Indonesians in Jatiwangi. ‘At that time,’ he says, ‘I thought that there was only one truth: only we were right and everyone else was wrong.’
But the violent events of 1998 proved a turning point in his life. Witnessing the effects of violence perpetrated by Muslims convinced him that there had been something wrong with his readings of religious texts. The texts, he explains, always refer to Islam as a blessing for the whole universe, not just for Muslims. The goal of Islam, he reasoned, could not be to make people afraid of it. On this basis, he says, he decided to start listening to the voices of ‘the other’. He began inviting leaders of other religions to his pesantren – priests, pastors and Buddhist monks – for inter-religious dialogue. He also invited them to come along to religious and cultural ceremonies at his pesantren, and even to teach classes to his pupils. It was a move that initially met with disapproval in his community and in his own family. ‘My father didn’t like me associating with non-Muslims,’ says Kyai Maman. ‘They were dirty unbelievers (kafir). But eventually my family began to see that, “Oh, it turns out priests are cool, and Buddhist monks are cool.”’ He also began to read from a variety of sources including philosophy, socialist thought and Christian liberation theology, and mixed with artists, writers and musicians. He dabbled in writing his own poetry. In his view, art has values that are congruous with religious values, such as freedom from contamination by worldly power or earthly desires. ‘From art,’ he says, ‘people can understand how to live a more harmonious life, not just see in black and white.’ Politics and public imageDespite having what he claims is a fundamental disinterest in politics; Kyai Maman has recently become an active member of the National Awakening Party (PKB). ‘I was invited [to join the party] by Gus Dur [Abdurrahman Wahid], so I decided to see whether politics could be made into a tool to fight for pluralism.’ Certain goals, he realises, can only be achieved through parties and through policy: ‘We must take steps that push our friends in the legislative assembly to ensure that pluralist values continue to be upheld and defended.’ The Ahmadiyah case, he says, has reinforced this conviction in him. However, he continues to see his main work as being at the grassroots level. This is not just a matter of seeding pluralist values, he maintains, but about improving people’s welfare. ‘Who can be influenced or provoked by radical groups?’ he argues. ‘Usually they are people who have trouble making ends meet, so our job is not to oppose those groups with violence but to try to create community prosperity and end poverty.’ The Ahmadiyah case and his own brush with celebrity following the Monas incident have also taught him the power of the media in shaping public opinion. ‘The failure of progressive Muslims, in my opinion,’ he says, ‘is that we don’t dominate the media. Maybe this is a problem with the media itself: you know “bad news is good news”. So it means that if a priest eats in my pesantren, or I break my fast in a church or a monastery, that will never get in the newspaper. But if a priest beats me up, or if I poison a priest’s altar wine, that’s the kind of thing that makes the newspaper. ii Joanne McMillan ( works as a translator and editor for Fahmina Institute in West Java and is currently completing a Masters of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development at the Australian National University. |
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Islam and Popular Culture in Indonesia and Malaysia
The Powers and Limits of Cyberspace: Indonesian Progressive Islam Networks
Monday, August 18, 2008
Indonesians celebrate Independence Day with Mass
08:32 AM PDT on Monday, August 18, 2008
The Press-Enterprise
Inland Indonesian Catholics on Sunday celebrated their native country's independence day with a special Mass, traditional games and plenty of Indonesian food.
About 125 Indonesians sat in St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church in Loma Linda as the red and white Indonesian flag was brought to the altar to stand near the U.S. and Vatican flags. Later, five young girls approached the altar with red and white streamers.
San Bernardino County has one of the largest Indonesian communities in the country, said Anwar Agusti, consul for information at the Indonesian Consulate in Los Angeles.
Sharon Johannes, 6, left, and sister Charissa, 8, walk down the aisle of St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church in Loma Linda on Sunday during a Mass to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day.
St. Joseph the Worker holds Indonesian-language Masses twice a month. Sunday's Mass was partly in English, because -- in honor of Independence Day -- it was celebrated by the Rev. Romeo Seleccion, the diocese's Episcopal vicar for San Bernardino County. He does not speak Indonesian.
"Viva Indonesia!" Seleccion said at the beginning of the Mass, mixing an exclamation common in Latin America and Seleccion's native Philippines into a service filled with Indonesian-language songs.
Two members of the church youth group who carried the Communion wine and wafers wore traditional Indonesian clothing, one donning a modern Indonesian fashion accessory: a pair of white Nikes.
Indonesia declared its independence 63 years ago from the Netherlands.
Growing Population
Most Inland Indonesians did not arrive here until the early 1990s -- when changes in immigration law allowed more Indonesians to come to the U.S. -- or the late 1990s, when chaos and violence surrounding the push to overthrow authoritarian leader Suharto caused many Indonesians to flee, said Densy Chandra, of Highland, a consultant for the Indonesian community for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Although Christians comprise only 9 percent of Indonesia's population -- most Indonesians are Muslim -- a large majority of Indonesians in San Bernardino County are Christian, Agusti and Chandra said.
That is partly because Muslim-Christian tensions have increased in recent years, Chandra said.
Muhamad Ali, an assistant professor of religious studies at UC Riverside and a native of Indonesia, said Muslims and Christians have generally lived in harmony over the past several centuries, although some Christians and ethnically Chinese Indonesians have suffered discrimination. The 1998 fall of Suharto led to increased political and economic competition, leading to greater tension in parts of the country between Christians and Muslims, he said.
According to a U.S. State Department report, although the Indonesian government and public generally respect religious freedom, in recent years extremist Muslim groups have used violence and intimidation against Christian churches and against mosques of the Ahmadiyya branch of Islam, which some Muslims view as heretical.
Some Christians have also attacked Muslims, the report said. In addition, people from the six religions not officially recognized face discrimination.
The 2000 U.S. census lists 3,301 Indonesians in San Bernardino County and 5,626 in Los Angeles County, although it showed that the Indonesian population doubled in San Bernardino County between 1990 and 2000 and fell 13 percent in Los Angeles County.
Chandra said the census underestimates the population because Indonesians must write in their nationalities on census forms and many do not do so.
Many Indonesian Christians are Seventh-day Adventists who settled in the Loma Linda area because of the large Seventh-day Adventist presence there, Chandra said.
About 20 members of the Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist Church of Loma Linda traveled to Los Angeles on Sunday for an Independence Day celebration at the Indonesian Consulate there, said the Rev. Albert Pardede, pastor of the church. About 700 people attend services at the church each Saturday, he said.
Getting Together
After the Mass at St. Joseph the Worker, celebrants filled the church hall to feast on dishes such as gado gado -- cabbage, eggs and bean sprouts topped with a spicy peanut sauce -- and woku chicken, with onions, lemon grass and spices.
Outside, children played the traditional Indonesian game of makan krupuk. Tapioca-starch chips hung from string and, at the count of three, children with hands behind their backs furiously tried to be the first to finish the chips.
Alice Wiraatmadja, 33, of Rialto, said she looked forward to the twice-monthly Indonesian Mass and social hour.
"It's a time to get together with our Indonesian people and talk and share experiences in America," Wiraatmadja said. "It's like family here."
Reach David Olson at 951-368-9462 or
Dari Ciputat ke California
Dari Ciputat ke California
Penampilan Muhammad Ali sederhana. Pria kelahiran Jakarta, 33 tahun silam itu berhasil meraih gelar philosophy doctor (PhD) dalam bidang History and Politics pada University of Hawaii, Amerika Serikat dengan judul disertasi Religion and Colonialism: Islamic Knowledge in South Sulawesi and Kelantan 1905-1945. Istimewanya lagi, Ali juga berhasil meraih posisi asisten profesor dan dosen University of California, AS pada 2007. Ketertarikan profesor University of California, khususnya di Depertement of Religion Studies, pada sosok Ali tidak hanya pada potensi akademik yang dimilikinya, tetapi juga karena ketajaman analisis ilmiah dan sikap kritis yang terangkum dalam banyak tulisannya di jurnal-jurnal internasional dan media massa. "Mungkin karena saya orang Indonesia, muslim scholar, lantas mereka menyebut saya sebagai Islamisis," katanya. Ketiadaan profesor studi Islam di University of California yang berasal dari Indonesia juga menjadi faktor penentu. Selama ini mereka hanya mengenal Islam dari Arab dan Timur Tengah. Profesor studi Islam di sana rata-rata berasal dari Pakistan, Iran, dan Palestina. Belum lagi sebagai public intellectual, reputasi Ali terangkum dari banyak tulisannya yang dimuat di jurnal internasional. Bagaimana sosok Muhammad Ali mengembangkan tradisi ilmiah? Kebiasaan Ali untuk membaca, menulis, merenung, dan berdiskusi tampaknya berkontribusi pada perjalanan akademik sekaligus kariernya. "Untuk menulis itu harus banyak membaca. Saya tetap menulis, bahkan ketika dalam keadaan sakit selam dua bulan. Badan saya memang sakit, tapi otak saya tidak," tuturnya. A. Fernandes/T-2
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Kaitan Islam dan Muslim
Ameer Ali, Membuka Pemikiran Muslim Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008 03:00 WIB LUKI AULIA
”Tidak ada fobiaIslam, yang ada fobia Muslim, melihat tingkah laku Muslim yang kerapemosional dan terlalu sensitif menanggapi masalah apa pun akibatpikiran yang tertutup.” Pernyataan ini dilontarkan intelektual Islammoderat, Ameer Ali, yang ditemui di sela International Conference ofIslamic Scholars atau ICIS, 29 Juli- 1 Agustus 2008, di Jakarta.Diera modern semestinya rasionalitas dan pikiran kritis dikedepankansehingga tak ada lagi bentuk kekerasan apa pun yang terjadi akibatemosi tanpa dasar.Pesan Ali untuk umat Muslim ini muncul darikeprihatinannya melihat banyak orang yang mulai berpaling dari Islam.Padahal, kata Ali, Allah SWT sama sekali tak membebankan kesulitan apapun terhadap umat-Nya dalam menjalankan ajaran agama Islam.Iniditegaskan dalam Al Quran Surah Al-Hajj Ayat 78: Dan berjihadlah kamudi jalan Allah dengan jihad yang sebenar-benarnya. Dia telah memilihkamu dan Dia sekali-kali tidak menjadikan untuk kamu agama yangmembuatmu dalam kesempitan (wa jaahidu fil-laahi haqqa jihaadih.Huwajtabaakum wa maa ja’ala a’alikum fiddiini min harajin).”Allahmembuat Islam mudah dipahami dan diikuti. Tetapi, kenapa sebagian ulamajustru membuatnya jadi sulit? Akibatnya, banyak yang menjauh dari Islamkarena dirasa sulit menjadi Muslim,” kata Ali, Wakil Presiden MajelisDakwah Islam Regional Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik (RISEAP) di Australiaitu.Berbagai bentuk kekerasan, terutama di negara Muslim, seakanmenjadi trademark Islam bagi negara Barat. Akibatnya, gambaran tentangIslam dan Muslim menjadi serba menakutkan. Padahal, yang berada dibalik segala bentuk kekerasan hanya segelintir Muslim yang berpandanganekstrem.Untuk memperbaiki citra Islam dan Muslim, Ali membericeramah dan dakwah mengenai Islam dan Muslim kepada siapa pun, termasukuntuk umat Nasrani di gereja-gereja Australia. Pertanyaan yang seringmuncul, antara lain, arti jihad dan kondisi perempuan.Karenamemiliki pandangan moderat, Ali yang pernah menjadi Presiden DewanIslam Federasi Australia itu lantas ditunjuk menjadi Ketua KelompokReferensi Komunitas Muslim pada era pemerintahan Perdana Menteri JohnHoward.Ia lantas menjadi duta Australia ke berbagai dialogantaragama internasional untuk membuka mata dan pikiran Muslim, sertaberusaha menyadarkan kembali pentingnya rasionalitas dalam memahamiIslam dan menginterpretasikan Al Quran.Menginterpretasikankembali Al Quran sesuai dengan konteks dan zamannya, menurut Ali,menjadi kunci penting untuk membuka pikiran Muslim agar lebih kritis.Ketidakmampuanuntuk menginterpretasikan Al Quran sesuai konteks dan waktunya hanyaakan membuahkan fanatisme, pandangan ekstremis, dan emosional tanpalogika. Padahal, Al Quran sebenarnya ada untuk memancing pemikirankritis yang tidak asal menerima mentah-mentah kata-kata yang ada didalamnya.Ali mengingatkan, ayat-ayat Al Quran diturunkan padazaman Muhammad SAW sehingga isinya pun menyesuaikan dengan zaman itu.”Kalau tidak tahu konteksnya, kita tidak akan tahu maksudnya. Kitaharus mengkritisi dan menginterpretasi lebih lanjut isi Al Quran. Iniindahnya Al Quran,” ujar ayah dari dua anak ini.Pengetahuan modernPersoalannya,justru sebagian ulama tradisional juga yang menutup pikiran Muslim,baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, dengan pemikiran atauajaran tradisional konvensional yang sudah ketinggalan zaman.Banyakulama tradisional tidak mendalami pengetahuan modern dan terpaku padaajaran yang sama selama berabad-abad. Padahal, jika ditilik dariartinya, ulama semestinya seseorang yang memiliki pengetahuan luas dantidak hanya terbatas pada pengetahuan agama.Jika seseorang inginmemahami Al Quran dengan baik dan lengkap sekaligus obyektif, dia harusmempunyai bekal latar belakang pemahaman ilmu sejarah, ekonomi,sosiologi, dan politik.Tren intelektual Islam yang sarat bekalilmu pengetahuan lengkap dan modern seperti itu, kata Ali, justru lebihbanyak muncul di negara-negara Barat.Meskipun demikian, menurutpandangan Ali, hal ini wajar mengingat banyak intelektual Islam yangterpaksa migrasi ke Barat. Di tempat ini mereka justru mendapatkesempatan luas untuk berpikir, berekspresi, dan mengeluarkan pendapat.Olehkarena itu, tidak berlebihan apabila dikatakan kebangkitan generasibaru Muslim kemungkinan akan dimulai dari Barat. ”Kalau kita tidakmempunyai latar belakang pengetahuan yang lengkap, akan sangat sulitmemahami Al Quran dan memecahkan misteri Allah yang ada di dalamnya,”kata Ali.Misteri Allah yang ada di dalam Al Quran dimaksudkanuntuk dibuka, dipecahkan, dipelajari, dan dikritisi. Al Quran adalahkitab untuk siapa pun pada segala zaman. Kitab yang bisa digunakanuntuk menjelaskan berbagai macam hal apabila diinterpretasikan sesuaikonteks dan zamannya.PendidikanMasalahnya,Al Quran sering kali justru terlalu dipuja, tetapi isinya takbenar-benar dipahami. Ali menilai persoalan umat Muslim ada padapendidikan.Minimnya pendidikan dan masih tingginya tingkat butahuruf di dunia Muslim, ditambah indoktrinasi selama berabad- abad olehkelompok ortodoks, telah melumpuhkan kemampuan rasionalisasi. Karenaitu, perlu ada pendidikan modern untuk mengembangkan daya pikir kritisagar bisa menganalisis persoalan dengan logis dan menghasilkan solusipraktis.”Ini tidak ada pada sebagian ulama tradisional,” kata Ali.Diakhawatir ulama tradisional justru akan memicu gerakan ekstremisme yangmuncul akibat pikiran yang tertutup. Khotbah-khotbah di masjid, kataAli, bisa berakibat buruk apabila ditelan mentah-mentah oleh Muslimyang pikirannya tertutup.Seharusnya khotbah-khotbah itu membahasisu-isu yang tengah hangat dan terkait dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.Imam juga diharapkan memberi semacam panduan bagi Muslim.”Sayayakin, sebagian ulama itu tak dengan sengaja membentuk pikiran ekstrem.Tetapi, isi khotbahnya yang sering kali memancing orang ke arah itu.Yang lebih parah, kita tak boleh membantah atau mengkritisi khotbah.Kita harus bisa menjaga anak-anak muda agar tidak sampai menelan ideyang keliru dan terjerumus dalam kekerasan,” kata Ali yang dikenalsebagai pakar ekonomi dan pembangunan di negara-negara Muslim.Carapaling efektif untuk mengantisipasi hal itu adalah lewat pendidikan.Untuk mendukung pendidikan perlu suasana demokratis sehingga masyarakatbisa diberdayakan. Padahal, mayoritas negara Muslim belum mempraktikkandemokrasi.”Ini tantangan kita. Allah tidak akan mengubah nasibsuatu bangsa kecuali kita mengubah diri sendiri. Caranya, denganmemberdayakan generasi muda dan wanita. Kita sudah tahu kelemahan kitadan akar masalahnya. Jangan salahkan orang lain, tetapi salahkan dirisendiri. Kita harus menjadi agen perubahan, tetapi harus ubah dirisendiri dulu,” kata Ali yang migrasi ke Australia pada 1977 karenaalasan politik itu.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Nabi Perempuan?
Friday, August 08, 2008
Kontekstualisasi Nabi Muhammad di Indonesia
Nabi Muhammad Kontekstual
Saya kira karakter masyarakat dan zaman adalah perubahan. Meskipun kelompok-kelompok fundamentalis berteriak mengikuti Sunnah Nabi, pada kenyatataan hanya bagian kecil saja yang betul-betul mirip dan persis dengan sifat-sifat Muhammad. Dalam sejarah Islam dan bahkan Eropa dan dunia, sejak abad ke-7 sampai sekarang, Muhammad telah mempengaruhi berbagai tradisi yang berbeda dalam berbagai kehidupan. Masalahnya adalah perubahan yang seperti apa dan sejauh mana yang pas dan diinginkan pemikiran "liberal" itu. Perubahan natural dan sosial seperti saya ilustrasikan di atas tidaklah memadai. Masih ada kalangan Muslim yang tidak dapat atau tidak mau membedakan antara mana yang subtantif dan mana yang tidak subtantif, yang "universal" dan yang lokal (Arab Mekah, Medina, dan abad ke-7). Muhammad dengan turbannya, dengan jubahnya, dengan siwaknya, dengan sendal jepitnya, dengan bahasa Arabnya, dan seterusnya.
Persoalan selanjutnya adalah umat Islam tidak sepakat mana yang substantif dan mana yang cabang itu, meskipun selalu dianggap bahwa tauhid, keimanan, dan rukun islam, sebagai yang universal, tapi kenyatannya praktek kepercayaan tauhid itu juga telah mengalami lokalisasi di berbagai tempat, mengalami sinkretisasi. Apakah mereka yang melakukan lokalisasi iman dan kepercayaan mereka terhadap Muhammad (misalnya di Cikoang Sulsel) bisa disebut "liberal"? Mereka yang akomodasionist terhadap kepercayaan, bahasa, dan budaya lokal, tampaknya tidak berarti liberal dan progresif.
Jika salah satu karakteri Islam liberal adalah "rasional", maka mencium hajar aswad ketika berhaji tidak perlu diikuti oleh Muslim liberal. Bukan hanya itu, mempercayai air zam zam bernilai sakral dan kesehatan juga tidak rasional. Status Muhammad sebagai pemimpin agama dan politik sekaligus di Medina tidak perlu diikuti. Nikahnya Muhammad terhadap Aisyah yang berusia 9 tahun (menurut beberapa sumber) juga bisa dianggap "aneh" kalo terjadi saat ini.Di sini lain, Muhammad juga mau berdiri hormat di depan jenazah Yahudi yang lewat, dan meminta tawanan Yahudi untuk mengajar baca tulis kepada Muslim, ketika sekarang banyak orang Islam benci Yahudi. Muhammad juga melakukan kontrak politik di Medina (mitsaq al-Madinah) dengan Yahudi dan Kristiani, ketika sekarang di Palestina, kelompok Muslim, Yahudi dan Kristen belum bisa melakukan hal yang sama untuk menjaga Yerusalem dan sekitarnya. Muhammad juga membebaskan penduduk Mekah ketika mereka membencinya. Muhammad juga adalah pemaaf, ketika sekarang hukuman-hukuman pengadilan tidak lagi memperhitungkan pemaafan. Dan seterusnya.
Salah satu sumber referensi yang jarang dibaca umat Islam adalah sirah, padahal rincian-rincian kehidupan Muhammad bisa dibaca disana secara kontekstual. Nilai-nilai keadilan sosial, penghargaan terhadap wanita ketika wanita nomor dua, nilai-nilai persaudaraan atas iman yang mengatasi suku yang suka bertengkar, nilai-nilai kesantunan, ketegasan, keberanian, dan semacamnya, jika dilihat dari kaca mata zaman itu, bisa dianggap "progressif". Jika pemikiran liberal percaya bahwa zaman bergerak progressif, maka pergerakan itu tidak berhenti di zaman Nabi. Pergerakan itu pun terus terjadi hingga sekarang, dan seterusnya. Referensi terhadap Muhammad akan tetap, tapi bentuk, intensitas, pilihan, manifestasi, dan geraknya sangat berbeda dan berubah.
Singkatnya, peran Muhamad dalam sejarah adalah paradoksal, kompleks, dan multi-dimensional. Jangankan sekarang, ketika Nabi ada pun dan terutama ketika dia wafat, para pengikutnya sudah berbeda pendapat, dan menimbulkan permusuhan dan bunuh-bunuhan.Tinggal kembali kepada dimana dan siapa yang memposisikannya dan sebagai apa?Muhammad Nabi liberal? Atau liberalisasi Muhammad? why not?
Monday, August 04, 2008
Religious Pluralism in Southern California
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Secular Muslims?
My short answers are like this. There are different ways to define secular Muslims. First, they are those Muslims who believe in Islam, become part of Muslim community, but do not practice prayer regularly, do not go to Hajj and other ritual practices. People in the West define them as "non-practicing Muslims". Second, Muslims who believe and practice most rituals, but do not hold an integration between Islam and politics, nor integration between Islam and science; they believe that politics, science, and other worldly affairs are "profane" and should not be part the religious, or the Islamic. Third, a secular Muslim can be anyone who views himself or herself as a secular Muslim. This is more personal view of the meaning of "Islam" and "secularism" by the person.
For the question whether Indonesian Muslims were secular, the answer would depend on which definition we use. If we use the first definition, historically Indonesian Muslims were secular because they were many local Muslims who didnot practice prayer regularly or didnot prayer at all; they might celebrate religious festivals as "social events" rather than "religious ones". If we use the second definition, Indonesian Muslims in the past can be said secular when they separate religion from politics, such as Soekarno and Hatta. But on the other hand, Muslim kings integrated and combined the matters of religion and adat (custom) through the parewa sara and the parewa adat in Aceh kingdomes, Makassar, Gowa-Tallo, Banten and others. Still, on other hand, it can be said, Muslim kings and local people were actually "secular" in the sense that they retained local beliefs and practices such as spirit offerings, magic, bissue, etc, despite identifying "formally" with Islam. Today, Indonesians are mixed: mostly religious, some secular, but many are in grey areas, somewhere in between. We know that any attempt of categorization is a useful simplification of a complex reality.
I have intended to write about a book on the origins and development of Islamic secularism in Indonesia. So much more later.
Friday, July 25, 2008
MUI dan Gedung Dana APBN
Ada ketidakadilan dan diskriminasi struktural yang kacaunya tidak dipahami tokoh-tokoh kita. Saya percaya akar masalahnya ada di mind-set. Dari mana kah memulai untuk sebuah reformasi logika dan mind-set figur-figur agama dan politik kita?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan Ruang Publik Indonesia
MUI tentu saja tidak sama dengan kelompok "islam radikal" dalam hal sejarahnya, para pemain didalamnay, dinamikanya, kekuatan dan pengaruhnya, namun belakangan, khususnya sejak 1998, bermacam-macam kekuatan penekan tampaknya berkolaborasi untuk menjadikan public sphere Indonesia tidak "telanjang" (naked). Kompetisi mencari "influence" dalam "naked public sphere" Indonesia dilakukan semua kelompok masyarakat, radikal, liberal, moderat, tradisionalis, modernis, neo-modernis, dst. The naked public sphere itu rentan (vulnerable) karena semua suara sah.
Di Amerika, perdebatan antar kelompok religious new right, conservatives, liberals, dan sebagainya masih terus. Perdebatan tentang wall of separation dan integration of religion and politics masih berjalan. Kelompok religious new right, biasanya juga disebut evangelical Protestant, percaya bahwa moralitas agama (private) bisa dan harus menjadi moralitas public (public virtue) juga. Lihat saja debat-debat yang belum selesai soal abortion, gay marriage, agama dan presidency, agama dan kebijakan luar negeri, dan sebagainya di Amerika. Banyak kalangan yang berusaha mencari a happy convergence antara religion and democracy, antara private morality dan public virtue, antara agama dan keAmerikaan. Saya sedang baca buku "The Naked Public Sphere" oleh Richard John Neuhaus, seorang Lutheran, tapi Catholic, ecumenical, economically pragmatic, culturally conservative, and politically devoted to the vital center of liberal democracy. Menarik sekali, antara lain, bagaimana dia melihat Amerika sebagai 'theonomous' society, yaitu masyarakat dimana agama dan aspirasi2 kultural mengenai Tuhan diberikan expresi publik. Bukan theocracy dimana agama mengklaim kebenaran absolut. Dalam theonomous society, agama bisa dan berhak menjadi "public" (mirip dengan gagasan "public religions"nya Casanova), namun religious morality bisa menjadi "public" dalam mekanisme demokratis; morality yang kemudian menjadi publik adalah morality of compromise.
Menurut saya, MUI dan berbagai kelompok Islam garis keras perlu mengikuti "workshop" dan pengajian "democratic citizenship" , bukan untuk memprivatisasikan agama (karena tidak historis dan tidak realitik dalam konteks Indonesia, sebagaimana juga dalam konteks Amerika), tapi untuk memposisikan agama dalam tempatnya yang lebih pas, demokratis, dan menyejukan berbagai kelompok masyarakat yang majemuk.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Press-Enterprise
A Temecula group has launched a Muslim version of YouTube.
10:00 PM PDT on Sunday, July 20, 2008
By DAVID OLSON, The Press-Enterprise aims to educate non-Muslims about Islam and provide an Internet site for Muslims to view videos without worrying about anti-Islamic tirades or sexually explicit content, said Tarek Ayoub, a volunteer for the site and for the site's nonprofit founder, Islam The Answer Corp.
"It's a way for Muslim users to feel safe," Ayoub said.
Story continues below
The site also includes non-religious programming, such as comedy, travel, sports and cultural videos, along with documentaries containing trenchant political commentary on subjects such as the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. The volunteer-run site will not accept advertising or donations, to avoid compromising its mission, Ayoub said.
Larry Slusser, secretary of the Southwest Riverside County Interfaith Council and a Mormon, praised the idea behind the site.
"I think it's great anytime someone can dispel misconceptions and promote understanding of and appreciation for a faith," said Slusser, who has not visited the site. "As a Latter-day Saint, I know many people have misperceptions about my faith. There's enough hatred in the world. We need more understanding of our differences."
Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Southern California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said's nonreligious videos show how Muslims are culturally and ethnically diverse and cannot be defined solely by their religion.
Ayoub said the site was founded in part because he and other Muslims grew weary of seeing viciously anti-Muslim comments that YouTube users posted as reactions to Islamic-oriented videos. Some YouTube users e-mailed Muslim video-posters and threatened them with violence -- in some cases with warnings such as "We know your address" -- or made sexually demeaning comments toward Muslim women, Ayoub said.
Ayoub said he and others have met with FBI agents about the threats. FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said the agency does not typically confirm or deny investigations. Ayoub said YouTube did not respond to repeated phone calls and e-mails about the anti-Muslim comments or to allegations that the company suspended the accounts of some people who had posted videos critical of Israel.
In an e-mailed statement, YouTube said it does not comment on individual videos. The company said it relies on users to flag content that violates YouTube's prohibition on hate speech, defined as speech that demeans people based upon their religion, race, ethnic origin, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity. YouTube staff reviews flagged material and usually removes it within minutes if it is deemed hate speech, the statement said.
Although Islam the Answer founded in part as an alternative to sites such as YouTube, volunteers with the group are also forming a team to better respond to the anti-Muslim comments on YouTube and other sites, said Cait Ramshaw, a Florida volunteer for and a sister site,
Muslims need to ensure that misrepresentations of Islam do not go unanswered, and that the responses are reasoned and factual rather than angry, said Ramshaw, who developed "Golden Rules for Muslim Bloggers." is not only a way of allowing non-Muslims to quickly access factual information about Islam to counter misperceptions, said Muhamad Ali, an assistant professor of religious studies at UC Riverside who specializes in contemporary Islam. The site's features that allow video-sharing, online forum discussions and other interaction help unite U.S. Muslims, he said.
"It provides a better sense of community, of being an American Muslim, rather than a Pakistani Muslim, an Egyptian Muslim, a Palestinian Muslim or a South Asian Muslim," he said.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Relaxing and Productive Summer

Friday, July 04, 2008
The Struggle for the Word ALLAH
Monday, June 23, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Discriminative State and the Compulsory Faith
The discriminative state and the compulsory faith
Muhamad Ali , Riverside, CA Fri, 06/13/2008 10:04 AM Opinion
The recently issued joint ministerial decree reprimanding and instructing Jamaah Ahmadiyah to end their religious activities and interpretations, which suggest a prophet exists following the Prophet Muhammad, is in my view an unwelcome product of collaboration between the discriminatory state and the compulsory faith.
The decree clearly favors the mainstream yet particular Islamic interpretation of the meaning of Islam and prophethood, as well as of the Constitution and Pancasila state ideology. The decree symbolically recognizes religious freedom but prohibits "an interpretation of a religion in Indonesia which is deviant from the fundamental doctrines of that religion".
In the case of Ahmadiyah, the decree charged that their religious interpretation and activities "could harm social order". The first statement shows the government officials have interfered with an internal theological dispute and endorsed favoritism toward the dominant interpretation, rather than leaving the difference to democratic procedures among Muslim groups.
The second statement indicates the government's prejudice that the group has already harmed or could harm social order. Here interpretations, rather than actions, have become the criteria.
The decree is in my view based on a narrow and exclusive understanding of the Islamic notion of prophethood and revelation. The mainstream idea of prophethood has been taken for granted even by religious scholars.
Although not stated in the decree, it is proclaimed by many religious leaders, scholars and ordinary people that Ahmadiyah has committed "religious blasphemy" (penodaan agama) and heresy (aqida). These charges of religious blasphemy and heresy are not based on a sound understanding of the Koran.
Khatam al-anbiyya may carry the meaning that Muhammad was the last prophet to receive God's revelation, but this is not the only possible interpretation, because the Koranic language has multiple meanings. Some Koranic verses clearly suggest the universality of God's revelation and prophethood throughout human history.
God's revelation is not confined to the Prophet Muhammad. God's guidance is universal and not restricted to a particular age and nation. "And there is no nation wherein a warner has not come" (35:24). "For every people a guide has been provided." (13:7). Prophets speak the language of their own nations.
The logical interpretation is that prophets were not only Arab; they could be Indian, Chinese, African and so forth, as long as they preached the existence of the divine and the good. The Koranic prophethood is inclusive: submission to God, judgment day and commitment to good works.
Many claim that prophets unmentioned in the Koran were only applicable to the period before Muhammad. This interpretation contradicts the other verses (Ghafir:78, An-Nisa:164) which clearly state there are numerous prophets untold in the Koran irrespective of time.
Traditionally, Muslim scholars have made a distinction, saying that a nabi is a divine envoy without a law and a revealed book, whereas rasul means one with a law and a revealed book; but the Koran often uses both terms interchangeably. The meaning of prophethood is complex and nuanced, not to be limited to only the Prophet Muhammad.
If the Sabeans, the Jews and Christians are mentioned in Sura Al-Baqara:62 to gain God's rewards and salvation as long as they believe in God and judgment day and do good works, then why do we pretend to be so absolute in judging an Ahmadi -- who believes in God and even in the prophethood of Muhammad while believing in another prophet or reformist -- will not be rewarded by God?
Defining Islam as the religion of the Prophet Muhammad is historical yet specific. Islam also means submission to God and good works. If Islam is the religion of all true prophets, then there is the possibility of an interpretation suggesting a prophet who follows Muhammad.
A "solution" offered by some is that Ahmadiyah should exist as a new religion, separate from Islam. This is an erroneous view and religious fallacy.
The Koran clearly states there is no compulsion in religion (Al-Baqarah:256). God gives freedom to anyone to believe and not believe in Him. Religion is based on faith and will, and these would be meaningless if induced by force, as Koranic commentator Abdullah Yusuf Ali has said.
Many say there has been a consensus (ijma') among Muslim scholars about the heresy of Ahmadiyah, and that the argument is taken for granted as an absolute truth. The fact is that a consensus is never completely a consensus because there are so many Muslims in the world. There is no consensus that consensus (ijma') is part of the source of Islam. Definitions and manifestations of Islam remain plural.
K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari, Hamka and M. Quraish Shihab, to mention only a few, do not share the belief and interpretation with Ahmadiyah but they recognize difference in interpretations and have never advocated the restriction of the movement in Indonesia. It is only now that such intolerant pressure emerged in the escalated politics of "religious purity" and "closed identity", unfortunately based on narrow-minded interpretations, insensitive to goodness and justice.
In the history of all religions, orthodoxy and heterodoxy are always judged by the dominant power, never from the minority or subjugated groups. Religious heresy seen by the mainstream is not necessarily a threat to social order. Charges and campaigns against religious heresy being harmful to the social order is a narrowed-minded political act.
The Koran states that disputes in theological matters will be settled by God alone, not here in this world where human knowledge is truly limited (Al-Maidah:48). Even when one has the right to invite others, the Koran suggests inviting them with wisdom, not by political pressure or discrimination, let alone banning. Invite the people to the way of Allah with wisdom and beautiful teaching, and argue with them in ways that are best, for the Lord knows best who has strayed from his path and who receive guidance (Surah An-Nahl:125).
When there is conflict of interpretation, the Koran asks not to judge the faith of the other but to compete with one another in goodness (fastabiqul khairat:Al-Maidah:48). There are many paths to God and many ways to be Muslim. Many religious individuals forget and do not care about their intolerant actions; they are quick to spread injustice, physically or psychologically, to those who happen to have different interpretations.
Indonesians should have resumed dialog as exemplified by A. Hassan and an Ahmadi leader in Java facilitated by colonial officials. The key point here is that the state should not but respect different religious interpretations. Faith should not be compulsory, and the state should not take side in any religious interpretation, mainstream or marginal.
The writer is an assistant professor at the religious studies department of the University of California, Riverside. He can be reached at
Monday, June 09, 2008
Pluralisme Agama di Amerika Serikat
Muhamad Ali
Umumnya masyarakat internasional, termasuk masyarakat Indonesia, mengetahui lebih banyak tentang wajah Amerika Serikat (AS) ketika berhadapan dengan masyarakat di Negara-negara lain. Dengan kata lain, kebijakan luar negeri AS lebih sering mewarnai dunia ketimbang kebijakan dalam negeri dan kehidupan masyarakat AS sendiri dari waktu ke waktu. Maka tidak heran apabila dunia Muslim misalnya melihat AS sebagai negeri Kristen, seolah-olah seluruh warganya beragama Kristen, atau memberinya label negeri Yahudi karena umat Yahudi lebih menonjol dalam ekonomi, sains, dan media massa di AS. Ada lagi persepsi bahwa AS adalah Negara sekuler dan karenanya semua masyarakatnya tidak peduli dengan agama. Ini semua sebagian dari citra-citra yang perlu diteliti lebih jauh kebenarannya dengan melihat sejarah kemajemukan agama-agama di AS secara lebih dekat dalam konteks ruang dan waktu. Agama dan keberagamaan di manapun mengalami perubahan-perubahan disamping kontinuitas, perbedaan-perbedaan disamping kemiripan-kemiripan.
Tulisan ini tidak bermaksud untuk berpendapat bahwa kehidupan agama di AS adalah yang terbaik ataupun mengajak agar masyarakat Indonesia meniru pluralisme agama AS. Tulisan ini sekedar memberikan gambaran singkat kehidupan beragama di AS agar pembaca dapat mengetahui perbedaan dan persamaan antara AS dan Negara-negara lain, termasuk Indonesia, karena kita sama-sama tengah berjuang menciptakan kerukunan agama, seperti halnya pemerintah dan masyarakat AS terus berjuang. Masyarakat kontemporer – dimanapun – kini semakin majemuk. Masyarakat dan Negara di mana pun kini memiliki masalah yang serupa: bagaimana menghadapi kemajemukan itu.
Jacob Neusner dalam bukunya World Religions in America (1994) menggambarkan bahwa kebanyakan orang Amerika adalah relijius. Mereka percaya adanya Tuhan, sembahyang, dan menjalankan agama. Mereka membentuk cita-cita bangsa Amerika dengan merujuk pada ajaran-ajaran agama: “satu bangsa, dibawah Tuhan” (“One nation, under God”) yang tercantum dalam Sumpah Setia kenegaraan (Pledge of Allegiance). Menurut sebuah survey di tahun 1990-an, sekitar 92 persen orang Amerika percaya Tuhan. Mayoritas melakukan doa setiap hari, mengunjungi gereja setiap minggu. Hampir semua orang Yahudi menjalankan Hari raya Passover dan memperingati the Days of Awe (Tahun Baru, Hari Penebusan Dosa).
Kebanyakan orang AS tidak hanya religius tapi juga memeluk sebagian besar agama-agama dunia. Menurut data Jacob Neusner, sekitar 60 persen dari seluruh warga AS (yang berjumlah total 280 juta) memeluk Kristen Protestan (dari percentage ini, 19 persennya Baptis, 8 persen Methodis, 5 persen Lutheran, dan 28 persen lagi terbagi dalam banyak gereja lainnya). Sekitar 26 persen penganut Katolik Roma. Sekitar 2,5 persen adalah bangsa Yahudi, dan kebanyakan mereka menjalankan agama Yahudi.[1] Penganut Hindu sekitar 1 persen, Buddha sekitar 1 persen, dan Islam kurang dari 1 persen. Lainnya ada penganut Shinto, Zoroaster, dan sekitar 7,5 persen tidak memeluk agama sama sekali (sering disebut ateisme).[2]
Sejarah Amerika awal dimulai karena agama juga. Orang-orang Eropa menduduki benua Amerika dengan dasar agama. Bagian timur Amerika diduduki orang-orang Inggris Raya karena faktor agama, dan bagian baratdaya Amerika oleh orang Spanyol juga karena agama. Para penganut Kristen – Puritan, Anglikan, Quakers, Presbysterian, dan sebagainya – yang berasal dari negeri-negeri Eropa menjelajah dan menetap di benua Amerika. Sejarah awal ini memberi konteks bagi dominasi agama Kristen di AS sehingga banyak orang berpendapat bahwa AS adalah negeri Kristen. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, terutama setelah Perang Dunia I dan II, penganut Yahudi dan agama-agama lain mendatangi AS. Lebih jauh, kewarganegaraan AS tidak ditentukan atas dasar agama. Untuk menjadi warga AS seseorang tidak perlu beragama Kristen; ia bisa memeluk agama mana saja dan bahkan tidak beragama sama sekali. Menurut Konstitusi dan Bill of Rights AS, Negara tidak berdasarkan atas satu agama tertentu, ras, etnisitas, dan jender tertentu.[3]
Agama dan kepercayaan masyakarat asli Amerika dikenal sebagai ‘tradisi-tradisi tribal’, yang telah muncul lebih awal dari agama-agama dunia dan masih berperan dalam keberagamaan masyarakat asli Amerika (Native Americans). Umumnya agama-agama asli ini tidak memiliki kitab tapi turun temurun. Sebagian mereka, seperti suku Pomo di California mempertahankan tradisi perdukunan (shamanism), perantara antara manusia dan dunia roh, yang dipercaya bisa menyembuhkan penyakit, mengetahui masa depan, dan sebagainya.Agama-agama asli Amerika dikenal menurut budaya-budaya spesifik, meskipun kini sebagiannya melampaui batas-batas budaya mereka. Agama Peyote (peyote religion) adalah salah satu agama di AS yang melampaui batas-batas tribal, yang kemudian berintegrasi dengan agama Kristen dan menjadi Gereja Amerika Asli (Native American Church). Kini identitas Indian di AS masih cukup kuat baik sebagai kesukuan, agama, maupun identitas politik ketika berhadapan dengan dominasi Kristen dan dominasi orang kulit putih (orang Eropa yang menduduki benua Amerika dan kemudian menguasainya). Atas kerja misionaris Kristen, sebagian orang Indian menganut Kristen dan membentuk gereja-gereja Amerika asli, seperti orang-orang Pueblo dan Yaqui di Arizona. Secara umum, komunitas-komunitas Indian yang memeluk agama Kristen masih melestarikan kepercayaan-kepercayaan lama mereka dan mengambil bagian-bagian ajaran Kristen yang relevan bagi kebutuhan mereka.[4] Meskipun demikian, hubungan kepercayaan-kepercayaan local dan agama Kristen ditandai dengan konflik dan kompromi.
Sebagian masyarakat asli Amerika memeluk gerakan-gerakan agama baru (New Religious Movements) di mana mereka berusaha menemukan makna hidup di tengah modernitas. Mereka mengembangkan gerakan-gerakan keagamaan, politik, dan legal untuk menanggapi situasi-situasi politik. Sebagian gerakan ini berbentuk kultus, yang dipimpin semacam prophet. Mereka memiliki bahasa, cara berpakaian, ritual, nafkah kehidupan yang unik, antara lain untuk membedakan diri mereka dari agama Kristen dan dominasi orang Eropa/putih (white people). Sebagian lain lagi mengembangkan spiritualitas (spirituality). Dalam hal ini, orang Amerika asli menyebut religion untuk agama seperti Kristen. Untuk membedakan kepercayaan mereka dari mayoritas Kristen, mereka menyebutnya spirituality, dan sebagiannya memiliki buku semacam kitab suci seperti Black Elk Speaks yang dikarang John Neihardt dan The Sacred Pipe. Spiritualitas Amerika Asli kemudian menjadi populer di kalangan orang Amerika non-asli.[5]
Katolik adalah pertama kali di Amerika sebagai agama kaum pendatang. Umat Katolik termasuk yang pertama datang di Amerika seperti tercermin dalam nama-nama St. Augustine, St. Petersburg, San Antonio, San Diego, San Fransisco, dan Los Angeles. Kebanyakan keluarga Katolik sekarang ini adalah keturunan dari para pendatang itu. Berdasarkan etnisitas, penganut Katolik di Amerika berasal dari Irlandia, Jerman, Italia, Polandia, dan Spanyol. Orang Katolik tinggal terutama di kota-kota besar seperti Boston, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Chicago, dan Minneapolis. Umat Katolik Amerika secara umum menjadi pendatang yang sukses yang setia dengan gereja mereka meskipun sering pula terjadi perbedaan pendapat dengan para pemimpin mereka. Mereka telah beradaptasi dengan perubahan-perubahan di Gereja Katolik sejak Konsili Vatikan Kedua tahun 1962.[6]
Berbeda dengan kaum Katolik Roma di atas, sebagian orang Amerika juga menganut agama Kristen Ortodoks. Orthodoxy berasal dari kata Yunani, doxa, yang berarti pendapat, ajaran, kemenangan. Orthodoxy berarti doktrin, ajaran atau metode yang benar. Dogma kaum ortodoks seperti Trinitas dan Inkarnasi. Penganut Kristen Ortodoks terutama tinggal di New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, dan Ohio. Pada tahun 1990an, ada sekitar 4 juta penganut Kristen Ortodoks di Amerika, yang memiliki hubungan (dengan tingkat yang berbeda-beda) dengan gereja-gereja induk mereka di Yunani, Timur Tengah, dan Eropa Timur dan Tengah.[7]
Penganut Protestan (berasal dari kata Protest - protes terhadap kejumudan gereja Katolik Roma ketika) pertama kali datang ke Amerika pada abad ke-17 dari Eropa. Mereka menyebut diri mereka Reformasi Protestant –meskipun banyak lebih suka menyebut diri mereka berdasarkan denominasi seperti Baptist, Lutheran, atau Methodist, karena istilah Protestant bisa dimaknai defensif dan negatif. Kaum Gereja Baptist dan kaum Gereja Lutheran mempengaruhi Amerika. Di Selatan mereka mempraktekan perbudakan, tapi di Utara mereka menentang perbudakan. Kedua Gereja ini pecah sebelum Civil War, and kaum Baptists tidak pernah datang secara bersama-sama. President Jimmy Carter adalah penganut Baptist Utara yang berjuang demi hak-hak asasi mansuia. Kaum Methodist juga sangat berpengaruh di Amerika, namun perkembangan masing-masing gereja atau denominasi mengalami pasang surut.[8] Pada masa Revolusi Amerika, bentuk baru dari Protestanisme muncul, yang dikenal dengan Pencerahan (Enlightenment, tapi bedakan dengan Enlightenment di Perancis). Dari kalangan pencerahan ini Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, dan John Adams, yang percaya Tuhan, tapi juga akal, alam, dan hukum. Melalui The First Amendment, mereka memajukan kebebasan agama dan dinding pemisah antara Gereja dan Negara.[9] Secara umum, sekulerisme ini, yang tidak ditemukan presedennya dalam agama Katolik dan Protestanisme Resmi, merupakan reaksi terhadap dominasi Gereja Katolik Roma dalam pemerintahan dan masyarakat.
Doktrin Protestanisme menekankan iman kepada Tuhan dan amal, tanpa berdasarkan pada otoritas pemimpin seperti Pope (Paus) bagi Katolik. Karena itu, individualisme cukup dominant. Masing-masing mendirikan denominasi dan menafsirkan Bible dengan berbagai metode. Protestanisme Amerika adalah cabang dari Kristen Barat, bukan dari Ortodoksi Timur dan menolak otoritas Pope Roma. Kaum Protestan berkeyakinan bahwa semua umat beragama memiliki akses yang sejajar terhadap Tuhan. Pendeta dan orang awam memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang sejajar.[10] Oleh karena itu, dalam bidang,ekonomi kaum Protestan dikenal cenderung individualis dalam pengertian tidak terlalu bergantung pada otoritas. Martin Luther (1483-1546) berkeyakinan tidak ada paus, tidak ada otoritas, yang dapat bertanggung jawab atas iman seseorang. Menurut Max Weber, yang mengkaji Protestant Calvinism di Switzerland, Jerman, dan Inggris, berpendapat bahwa etika Protestan berpengaruh pada jiwa kapitalisme.[11] Namun pendapat Weber tidak menjelaskan kompleksitas perkembangan kapitalisme di Amerika dan banyak Negara lain. Terlepas dari tesis ini, mayoritas Protestan di Amerika mendukung individualisme, kerja, kompetisi, dan kapitalisme. Dalam Protestan ditemukan bermacam kecenderungan: ada yang liberal atau modernis, seperti Episcopalian, Presbyterian, dan the United Church of Christ, dan ada yang konservatif, evanjelikal, atau fundamentalis, seperti Baptist Utara, Churches of Christ, Adventist, Pantecostal, lain-lain yang menyebut diri mereka evangelical atau fundamentalist. Kalangan fundamentalis ini berpegang pada prinsip-prinsip (fundamentals) doktrin dan praktis seperti dalam Bible. Kalangan fundamentalis zaman sekarang merupakan respons terhadap modernitas. Sebagian lagi menyebut diri mereka Protestan moderat.[12] Dalam bidang politik, kalangan Protestan juga berbeda-beda. Sebagian bekerja di luar pola-pola denominasi mereka. Mereka mempunyai semacam jurubicara seperti Billy Graham dan televangelists –juru misionaris melalui TV. Kini lebih dari 5 saluran TV di AS merupakan TV-TV keagamaan sebagain besarnya Kristen. Sebagian mereka tidak tertarik berpolitik praktis, tapi sebagian berpolitik. Kaum Protestan awal berpendapat, dalam bahasa Latin, bahwa ecclesia semper reformanda, gereja selalu perlu direformasi. Mereka tidak pernah merasa puas bahwa kerajaan Tuhan telah tercapai. Karena itu, perkembangan Protentanisme di Amerika mengalami perubahan-perubahan mengikuti perkembangan zaman.
Orang Amerika yang berasal dari Afrika (African American, atau Black Americans) juga mengembangkan gereja-gereja mereka sendiri. Sejak zaman perbudakan hingga masa pasca-Perang Dunia II, orang Amerika Afrika mengalami sejarah konflik dan kompromi antara dominasi dan subordinasi. Sebagian menggabungkan budaya Afrika, Amerika, dan Kristen sehingga menjadi Kristen Amerika Afrika. Mereka umumnya tidak jatuh pada fatalisme, memperjuangkan persamaan hak politik dan kultural. Martin Luther King, Jr. menjadi salah satu pemimpin mereka yang sangat berpengaruh, yang pernah berpidato dengan judul ‘I Have a Dream”, Saya Punya Mimpi.[13] Gereja-gereja kalangan Amerika Afrika ini antara lain The African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African Episcopal Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, dan the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Sebagian lainnya mendirikan gereja-gereja yang mandiri dari denominasi tersebut, seperti National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. Inc., dan The Church of God in Christ. Ada pula gereja-gereja Black American di dalam denominasi Orang Putih. Seorang wanita bernama Ida Robinson menjadi pemimpin the Mount Sinai Holy Church of America, Inc., di Philadelphia. Sebagian kaum Black Americans ini aktif dalam gerakan anti-racisme di Amerika.[14] Mulai pertengahan abad ke-20, agama kaum Black American tidak hanya Kristen. Yahudi dan Islam juga telah dipeluk kalangan Black American.
Penganut Yahudi berjumlah sekitar 2,5 persen atau sekitar 6 juta, yang berarti lebih setengah seluruh umat Yahudi di dunia. Umumnya umat Yahudi dilihat sebagai entitas yang monolitik, padahal mereka sangat beragam. Di Amerika saja, sekitar 28 persen perkawinan orang Yahudi, merupakan perkawinan campur dengan non-Yahudi (disebut ‘gentiles’). Yahudi di Amerika tidak membentuk satu organisasi yang mengatasi semua orang Yahudi. Ada Yahudi Hitam- seperti Sammi Davis Jr., dan Whoopi Goldberg. Ada Yahudi kaya, Yahudi miskin, Yahudi kota, Yahudi desa. Namun sebagian besar orang Yahudi menganut agama Yahudi. Dari sekitar 6 juta orang Yahudi, 4.5 jutanya mengidentifikasikan diri mereka sebagai penganut agama Yahudi. Artinya, sekitar 1,5 juta orang Yahudi tidak menjalankan agama Yahudi. Umat Yahudi terdiri dari mereka yang reformist, ortodoks, rekonstruktifis, dan konservatif. Penganut agama Yahudi percaya pada Satu Tuhan, Taurat (Perjanjian Lama, menurut orang Kristen), dan Israel (keturunan Ibrahim). Orang Yahudi hidup di rumah, sinagog dan pilgrimage (kunjungan ke tempat-tempat suci). Di Amerika, secarfa garis besar ada penganut Yahudi yang segragasionis dan penganut Yahudi yang integrasionis. Yang pertama adalah mereka yang agak terpisah, menyendiri dari kebanyakan orang lain. Mereka menggunakan bahasa Yiddish – sebuah bahasa campuran bahasa Jerman, Polandia, dan Rusia. Mereka memakai pakaian khusus, makan makanan tertentu, belajar kitab-kitab suci Yahudi saja, bertransaksi hanya dengan orang Yahudi. Kalangan segragasionis ini tinggal di AS dan Kanada, di New York City dan Montreal dan sejak berdirinya Negara Israel tinggal di sana.Mereka ortodoks. Di antara kalangan ortodoks ini adalah Hasidisme dan Yeshiva. Hasidisme percaya dengan Orang Suci (tsaddiq dalam bahasa Hebrew).Yeshiva rajin belajar Taurat dan khususnya Talmud. Mereka tinggal di Boston, New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, dan lain-lain, sementara sebagiannya pindah dan tinggal di Israel, Palestina. Kalangan integrasionis cenderung berbaur dengan penganut agama lain. Mereka terdiri dari reformis (35 persen), konservatif (43 persen), dan rekonstruktifis (2 persen). Mereka berintegrasi dengan masyarakat sekitar. Mayoritas Yahudi di Amerika adalah integrasionis. [15]
Selain penganut agama-agama di atas, ada penganut minoritas seperti Hindu, Buddhisme, Islam, dan lain-lain. Penganut agama Hindu berasal dari India. Menurut sensus 1990, ada 815.447 orang India di AS, kebanyakan tinggal di New York dan California, selain di Chicago, Los Angeles dan lainnya. Kebanyakan mereka kaum terdidik dan memiliki posisi di bisnis maupun akademia. Kini ada sekitar 150 candi Hindu di AS, termasuk yang cukup besar bernama Lord Venkateshwara Balaji Temple di Malibu Canyon. Penganut Hindu di AS tidaklah monolitik; mereka beragam. Menurut Gerald James Larson, ada beberapa tipe Hindu di AS: sekuler, non-sektarian, bakti, reformist-nasionalist, dan Neo-Hindu. Hindu sekuler adalah penganut Hindu yang tidak menekankan identitas Hindu, tapi juga tidak memilih agama lain. Hindu non-sektarian mempraktekan Hindu secara eklektik. Hindu bakti mengidentifikasikan diri mereka dengan tradisi aliran tertentu seperti Vaishnawa, Shaiva, atau Shakta. Hindu reformis adalah para pengikut Ramakrishna, yang menekankan pembaruan doktrin. Sementara Neo-Hindu adalah para pengikut gerakan Transcendental Meditation dan gerakan Hare Krishna. [16]
Penganut agama Buddha juga cukup signifikan di AS. Buddhisme lahir di India dan berkembang ke seluruh dunia, termasuk AS. Di antara kelompok agama Buddha di AS adalah the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) yang membawa tradisi Jepang dalam berbakti pada Amidha Buddha. Penganut Buddha di AS menjalankan kebaktian mereka di candi-candi. Sebagian mereka membentuk organisasi mahasiswa Buddha – seperti penganut agama lain. Mereka melakukan Sunday School dan mendirikan the Young Buddhist Association. Praktek Zen (duduk meditasi) juga berkembang. Bahkan penganut agama lain –termasuk Kristen dan yang tidak beragama sama sekali, mereka mempraktekkan beberapa tradisi Buddhisme untuk kesehatan dan alasan-alasan lain. Salah satu organisasi yang berkembang di AS adalah the Nicheren Soshu of America (NSA) yang mengajarkan meditasi berdasarkan teks Lotus Sutra.[17] Secara umum, penganut agama Buddha terdiri dari aliran-aliran: Pure Land, Nichiren, Zen, dan Tibet; masing-masing memiliki doktrin dan metode yang berbeda, meskipun sama-sama mempercayai kebesaran Buddha.
Umat Islam adalah penganut agama yang paling cepat pertumbuhannya di AS, mengalahkan pertumbuhan agama-agama lain, dan terbesar kedua setelah Kristen. Pertumbuhan ini disebabkan pesatnya immigrasi orang-orang Islam dari Timur Tengah, Asia, dan Afrika. Selain itu, angka kelahiran orang-orang Islam relatif tinggi di AS. Pada tahun 1990, jumlah umat Islam sekitar 4,6 juta, dan di tahun 1992 mencapai antara 5-8 juta. Secara etnik, penganut Muslim beretnik African American (Amerika kulit hitam) sebanyak 42 persen, Asia Selatan sebanyak 24,4 persen, Arab 12,4 persen, Afrika 6,2 persen, Iran 3.6 persen, Asia Tenggara 2 persen, dan European American (Amerika kulit putih) sekitar 1,6 persen, dan lain-lain 6,5 persen. Mereka ada yang Sunny dan ada yang Syiah, Ahmadiyah, dan Druze. Organisasi Islam yang terkenal adalah the Nation of Islam yang dipimpin oleh Elijah Muhammad, dan kini oleh Louis Farrakhan, yang diikuti terutama African American. Islam sangat efektif dalam mempersatukan bangsa kulit hitam Afrika dalam melawan rasisme dan masalah-masalah social-politik di AS. Perkembangan mutakhir menunjukkan semakin aktifnya penganut Muslim dalam kehidupan agama, budaya, social dan politik di AS. Beberapa organisasi Islam antara lain the Federations of Islamic Associations (FIA), the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Ada pula the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) yang berpusat di Washington D.C.
Setelah mengikuti pertumbungan dan perkembangan agama-agama di AS, kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa secara garis besar kehidupan beragama di AS cukup rukun, oleh karena secara formal Negara Federal dan Negara-negara bagian di AS tidak memaksakan satu agama. Para penganut agama mayoritas jelas sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan publik baik budaya, ekonomi, maupun politik. Namun demikian, penganut agama-agama minoritas dalam menjalankan sebagian besar ajaran-ajaran kebaktian mereka, meskipun tentu saja setelah mengalami proses adaptasi yang dinamis dan terus menerus. Masing-masing penganut agama Katolik, Protestan, Yahudi, Islam, dan lainnya hidup dalam konteks ruang dan waktu. Warga Negara Amerika secara umum, baik memeluk ataupun tidak memeluk agama memiliki, memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang sama di depan Konstitusi, meskipun dalam kenyataannya masih terjadi berbagai masalah seperti prasangka, mispersepsi, permusuhan, dan diskriminasi.
Muhamad Ali
[1] Ini berarti bahwa bangsa Yahudi tidak semua atau tidak selalu menjalankan agama Yahudi. Jadi ada perbedaan antara Yahudi sebagai bangsa (nation) dan Yahudi sebagai agama (religion). Lebih jauh perlu dibedakan antara Yahudi dan Negara Israel. Tidak setiap orang Yahud mendukung pembentukan Negara Israel, meskipun pembentukannya juga menggunakan rujukan agama, selain politik dan ekonomi. Untuk sejarah konflik Israel dan Palestina lihat misalnya Charles D.Smith, Palestine and the Arab Israeli Conflict (Boston & New York: Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2001), Norman G.Finkelstein, Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (London & New York: Verso, 2003)
[2] Jacob Neusner (ed.), World Religions in America: An Introduction (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1994), hal.2
[3] Konstitusi AS menjamin kebebasan agama dan ras. Ini tidak berarti tidak ada masalah sama sekali, seperti kita akan lihat nanti. Sejauh mana AS menjami kebebasan adalah topik yang kontroversial dan memerlukan ruang tersendiri.
[4] Jacob Neusner (ed.), op.cit., hal.11-25
[5] ibid., hal..26-30.
[6] Andrew M.Greeley, “The Catholics in the World and in America”, di Jacob Neusner (ed.), World Religions in America, op.cit. hal. 93-95.
[7] Jaroslav Pelikan, “Orthodox Christianity in the World and in America”, di Jacob Neusner (ed.), World Religions in America, op.cit, hal.131-147.
[8] Martin E.Marty, “Protestant Christianity in the World and in America”, di Jacob Neusner (ed.), World Religions in America, op.cit., hal.37-44.
[9] Martin, ibid.,47.
[10] Ibid., hal.50-53.
[11] Pendapat Weber ini hingga saat ini masih mengundang perdebatan hubungan agama dan kapitalisme. Lihat bukunya, ‘Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus’ dalam Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Religionssoziologies, Tubingen, 3 volume, 1922-23, pertama kali diterbitkan di Archic fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 1904-5. Diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris oleh Talcott Parsons dengan judul The Protestant Ethics and The Spirit of Capitalism, London, 1930. Untuk diskusi tesis Weber dan kaitannya dengan Islam lihat antara lain, Bryan S.Turner, Weber and Islam: A Critical Study (London & Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974).
[12] Martin Marty, op.cit., hal.60-4.
[13] Peter J. Paris, “African American Religion”, di Jacob Neusner (ed.), World Religions in America, op.cit.,hal. 69-77.
[14] ibid., hal.81.
[15] Jacob Neusner, “Judaism in the World and in America”, in Jacob Neusner, op.cit., hal.151-174.
[16] Gerald James Larson, “Hinduism in India and in America”, ibid., pp.177-200.
[17] Malcolm David Eckel, “Buddhism in the World and in America”, hal.203-214.